
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Something that I’ve been thinking about a lot recently is that the church is the body of Christ, not a building in which the body of Christ meets.

While in Cambodia and Thailand I have been away from my home church. And we have been to a couple different churches as a team but we all are away from our home churches and from all things familiar.

But this group that I’m with will be my church for the time being. Our small little church of 11 lol. We are carrying out what the body of Christ is supposed to do. We uplift each other, keep each other accountable, we are vulnerable with each other, we provide constructive criticism for one another, we love each other, and we are actively working and spreading the word of God.

But on a side note Thailand has been absolutely amazing! It’s a gorgeous city full of fun activities to do. We began ministry this past Thursday. The ministry has been very eye opening and heart touching. We are working in different safe houses for women and children that provide housing and support. We spent this past Thursday and Friday cleaning, painting, and praying over one of the safe houses. I don’t know what the rest of our time in Thailand is going to look like but I’ll make sure to keep you guys updated! The work that is being done here is just so amazing and it’s going to make a great impact on the people of Thailand. I’m so excited to see what God has for me and my team here!

My encouragement for you all as you go to church is that you would you to church with a joyful heart. Serve the Lord with all you have! Oftentimes we go to church because we see it as an obligation and something to check off our to do list. Time with God isn’t just a Sunday morning and Wednesday night kind of thing.

If you are a Christian, you are a child of God. You are bringing God with you wherever you go. The Bible tells us not for forsake assembling together. We are made for fellowship and community to glorify God in everything we do. So actively pursue God. God wants to be a part of your every day life. Invite Him in! Let Him do life with you. I can attest that life is sooo much better when you spend it with the Lord.

Please pray that as we begin our ministry in Thailand we will continue to be in the Lord’s will, for the heath and well being of my team, that we as a group would continue to boldness proclaim the gospel, and pray that the Lord would soften the hearts of the people in Thailand. Thank you all for reading!

13 responses to “Church is the people not the place”

  1. May God be glorified in all we do!! Thank you so much for the reminder that believers are the church and what we should be doing to further His kingdom. 🩵 We are praying for you!! We are so proud of you!!! We love you!! ❤️❤️

    • It’s so awesome to see how God is using your team to bless others. I’m so proud of you. Thanks for reminding us of how great God is. Love ya!

  2. So very proud of you and the team ! Love seeing the Lord work in y’all and through y’all also love the knowledge you are obtaining from his word and his presence in your life ! We love you so very much ! Can’t wait to see more work and blessings from our Father!

  3. Hi Alyssa! Wow! So excited for you and what God is doing with you and your team. I love that “WE” are the church!. Thanks for the encouraging words! We miss you so much! Cannot wait to hear the beautiful testimony that God is writing in you.
    Lots of love and prayers your way!
    Tabby Bland

  4. Amen!! So proud of you and your team. I am praying for y’all and your ministry in Thailand! 💗

  5. Thank you for reminding all of us how Great is our God!! Praying for you and your team always.

  6. I am so proud of you! I love hearing all about your experience abroad in ministry! May God continue to equip and protect you and your team! Love you! God bless!

  7. That is so true! So important to have great people around us to hold us accountable, lean on, and serve with!

  8. ALYSSA!! This is good stuff!! I am encouraged! You share and invite the church into pursuit of the Father well. Keep sharing!!

  9. Your testimony inspires people to see beyond the building and realize that the congregation is what our Lord is interested in! Thank you

  10. You are such an inspiration! I love seeing your beautiful messages! Prayers for you and your team!
    Prayers for the women and children you are ministering to!