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Thoughts & Inspiration

Hi everyone.

I know that my blogs are normally pretty uplifting and joyful but I’m just gonna be vulnerable for this blog.

This first week in Thailand has been incredibly difficult and stressful for me. It is not what I envisioned.

I’ve been overthinking a whole ton. I’ve been filled with worry with what God has for me when I get back home and what I’m gonna do with my life. I also was wondering why God has me on this trip and questioning what my purpose of being here is. My mind has been full of worry and fear of the future. And I’ve just been talking down to myself a lot lately. I was on the phone with my mama the other day and I just expressed my thoughts and feelings to her and quite literally just told her I feel sad and useless right now.

I was just crying and calling out to the lord the other night in my bed. Practically balling my eyes out lol. The enemy has really been trying to place doubt and anxiety in my head lately. So I just asked the Lord to help me get through this difficult season. And to just take away all this stress and sadness that I have been feeling.

So Wednesday morning our worship and prayer leaders (Maya and Clay) led us in a great discussion about stress and anxiety and just learning how to completely surrender to the Lord.

When I heard about what they were gonna be talking about the first thought I had was “wow God you’re really funny” and “i really don’t feel like discussing all of this right now. I’m not in the mood”

So we wrote out all of our worries and prayed over them together. And as we prayed over our anxieties I just felt this tremendous relief. Like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I then ran to Maya and asked her for a hug and just opened up to her. And she was able to give me comfort and love on me.

So the afternoon came around and I was asked to lead a time of worship, devotion, and prayer with some of the ladies that we are with in our ministry here. And for those of you who know me, you know I’m not a leader. Like at all. I’m much more for a follower. But I accepted the task I had been given. So we sang a couple songs and I just felt the Holy Spirit move in the room with us. I decided to talk about the power in prayer. It felt great to share my thoughts with some of the ladies. And share my faith with them. I felt very useful and I felt like I had something that I could finally offer the group.I suppose I have just been feeling somewhat out of place.

I love children, it’s where I’m comfortable, singing songs, telling Bible stories, and giving hugs and love.  I think that’s why I loved Cambodia so much. Because I always was surrounded by kids and I always had a kiddo in my lap.

But this ministry is out of my comfort zone. These are women who have lived through a lot. I cannot even comprehend how much. How in the world was I suppose to minister to them? I’m only 18 years old, I was homeschooled, I’ve lived a very sheltered life. What can I offer them? I’m not worthy of telling them anything about Jesus. I felt very ill equipped. It has been a difficult transition for me.

But God He called me here for a purpose. And I’m embracing Him. I guess I expected to be the person pouring into others on this mission trip not others pouring into me. It’s very humbling. But I now realize God can use us anywhere especially out of our comfort zone. There may be areas I feel more comfortable, but it’s not about me.

God also has been gracious enough to give me a great community that supports me and encourages me relentlessly. I couldn’t be more grateful for my amazing family, boyfriend, friends, and the people on my team. They have been such a blessing and they have walked with me through some really tough times.

I’m now just trying to let God stretch me and use me wherever and however he wants to. Regardless of how it makes me feel. He’s been bringing me comfort and he’s been letting me know that I’m here for a purpose. And all of this is for his glory.

So just please pray that in these last few weeks I would be able to serve wholeheartedly with joy. And pray that I would realize my purpose here and do what the Lord wants me to do.

25 responses to “Feeling overwhelmed”

  1. Love you!! Just as there is seasons in life I’m sure there will be seasons on your trip! Maybe this one is to fill you up a little bit! You pour so much out, I hope you open your cup up to be poured in also!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻

  2. Praying for a joyful heart, sweet girl. You have so much to offer, and we often find that God will turn a trial into something incredibly beautiful if we just submit to Him. You’re an inspiration to us all and I know the people you’re ministering to will feel the same way. Keep an open heart and mind and allow yourself to be transformed by your experiences, too. This journey is as much about you as it is the people you’re encountering. Love you so much!

  3. Hi Alyssa! We’ve kept you in prayer.

    FAITH OVER fear! Don’t give fear power!!
    I hope you find encouragement from these scriptures

    Deuteronomy 3:22
    Deuteronomy 31:6
    Psalm 34:4
    Psalm 56:3
    Psalm 23:4
    Isaiah 41:10
    Isaiah 41:13

    We are so proud of your obedience to the Lord and your willingness to step out of YOUR comfort and submit to where GOD wants you!

    Blessings and protection for you!

  4. Oh sissy!! I’m praying for you and lifting you up throughout each day!!! You are being a representative of Jesus where you are so no matter what He receives the glory. I know the ladies will be encouraged by your worship and devotions!! I love you and are so very proud of you!!! You have so many gifts that God has given you and this is just a new avenue. Like you said embrace it and lean on Him!!!

  5. God Bless You and Keep You, God has you there for a reason and He will use you. Love and Miss you. Praying without ceasing.

    • Sweet Alyssa,
      Just wanted you to know each Wednesday night at your home church the kids & I sit in the floor & read your blog together. We have been learning about how important missionary work is and you have been our living example every week! We discuss it together the kids Love the pics & ask questions & we all pray together for you, your team & the people you will be ministering too. God is still using you to speak to childrens hearts 💜 you are challenging us & encouraging us each week & so let us lift you up this week and know that you are an Amazing young lady who is making a difference … the Lord will determine your steps

  6. Oh Alyssa!! God definitely has you there for a purpose! I think you are more of a leader than you give yourself credit for!! Let Him use you! I know you are making more of an impact than you probably think! Satan is a liar! Don’t let him get in your ear! Stay strong, and focused!! These last few weeks are going to be amazing! Love you!!!

  7. Alyssa,
    Sending so much love and prayers !
    You know that serving the Lord is not always easy but always has a purpose when he sends you !
    It’s already been proven you have the tools to bring honor to our Lord!
    Satan loves to get in our heads and try to discourage us! But he does not get the victory!!!
    Know all of us back here at home are lifting you and the team continually!
    His hedge is around y’all !!!
    Just remember or ask who shut the lions mouth, and ask those Hebrew guys there was a fourth man in the fire !!! We know he never leaves us especially when we are in his will !!!
    love you so so much ! Allow him to fill you and conquer for his glory !
    We love watching you grow in your faith and using talents (some you didn’t know you had) for the Lord ! ❤️

  8. oh alyssa, i know exactly how you feel and you are not alone! trust that God has you there for a purpose. i know it is hard sometimes, but God would not put you somewhere that you are not strong enough to be!

    Strength grows in the moments that you can’t go on but you keep going anyway!

    always remember these few words:
    i’m here for a purpose
    i’m here on purpose
    and i’m not by myself
    the Lord is with you through your whole journey and you just have to believe that and keep on going!
    praying for you everyday sweet girl❤️

  9. Alyssa, I’m so proud of you!! Our message last Sunday was on prayer. We have to release the chains we put on ourselves that hold us back from God’s blessings. I can only imagine how difficult it is to be out of your comfort. Stay strong and always remember you are the daughter of the King!

  10. Alyssa,

    ✝️🙏💜 Trust that God has you right where he wants you at this exact moment in time! Satan will always try to put doubt and fear in your head, but don’t let him. No matter your background, you have much to offer and never know who will be blessed by your testimony or kindness! Blessings to you sweet girl! Can’t wait to hear all about your experiences! Much love and prayers sent your way! ✝️🙏💜

  11. Alyssa in life you may not always know where Jesus will send you and that is what makes life an adventure. If we knew what would happen the rest of our lives it would be awful because there is no adventure. You radiate the love of Jesus and even though I do not know you very well, I see that, so just keep living each day ready to do what God has for you next.

  12. oh alyssa! i promise you that God would not put you in a place that you are not strong enough to be in!! Be the leader that he knows you can be! trust me when i say you are not alone. purpose is something that I have also struggled the most with being away from my family, but I have to trust the Lord has already walked this path and this is where I am supposed to be. So remember when life gets tough and the devil tries to overwhelm you with emotions, know that God wouldn’t put you there if he knew you wouldn’t succeed.

    strength grows in the moments when you think you can’t go on but you keep going on anyway!

    remember these few words when you get overwhelmed:
    i’m here for a purpose
    i’m here on purpose
    and i’m not alone
    trust that the Lord is with you through every step! praying for you always! hope the next few weeks are amazing❤️

  13. You are an amazing young lady. I wish I had half of your drive and Faith. God is using you in awesome ways. Love you!💕

  14. There is a reason for us to be where we are at any season of our lives. You may feel out of sorts now, or out of place now, but everything you are experiencing or living through at this time will serve a purpose later. Trust. Lean in to Him. “To everything there is a season, and a time for EVERY purpose under heaven.” Much love to you for being so brave AND obedient. ❤️

  15. Alyssa,
    You have a beautiful heart! The Lord’s Word does not come back empty. Even though you may not see all that He is doing in and through you, His ways are higher than our ways. He is using you in ways you may not be able to see in the present moment or even in the future as you will carry this experience with you and as those that you meet will take away with them even a little nugget of hope that will grow. May these verses encourage you as you gather strength to complete your present mission.

    Isaiah 55:6-13; 40:31
    Psalm 91:4
    John 16:33
    Ephesians 6:10-18
    Philippians 4:6-7
    Joshua 1:9
    2 Corinthians 10:3-6
    Proverbs 3:5-6

    God bless you! Love you! Praying!

  16. Keep pressing into The Lord! Satan is going to attack most when you’re doing The work of the Lord! We’re constantly praying for you and so proud of you! Love ya!

  17. Suwadee kha! Sabaidee!? 🇹🇭🌈
    Sweet Alyssa. Sometimes it’s ok to just not be ok and cry out to God. He hears your cries! Don’t get discouraged!! I know it can be hard, trust me, I really do understand, but you’re absolutely doing the right thing in reaching out to Him first and letting people know you need prayer. Everything is going to work out just the way God planned it- you just have to ride the wave. It goes up and down and you’ll have to hold your breath sometimes, but you’ll always rise to the top. I love you sweet girl and I really can’t wait to hug you ♥️

  18. Alyssa you are there for a reason you may not know why but God does. You are a very strong young lady full of joy and passion for the Lord and all people around you. I’m continually praying for you and your ministry. Love you sweet girl.🥰❤️

  19. Cross-cultural missions is a life full of being pushed out of your comfort zone. Be encouraged that God is using these difficult seasons in your life to grow you, to cause you to be more dependent on Him, and to enable you to be able to minister to others who are going through difficult seasons as well. God is with you. When we feel weak, we can see that God is strong. Praying for you and your team in these last weeks!

  20. You wouldn’t be human if you weren’t struggling with doubt and worry …at times. It’s ok to have these feelings and it’s ok to pray over them as well.

    My father once told me… “plan on knowing everything you need to know in your life and forgetting some of it, when you most need it.” There is grace in your feelings, find it.

    Breath deep and pray during these times. It will calm you and grant you self foregiveness. Your perfection isn’t yours it’s theirs. Let Christ move through you and be satisifed knowing that you are a light, a vessel, and an example of his love for those around you.

    We pray for your strength. We pray the “informal” serenity prayer for you and the place you are experiencing. See what they see and be satisified that it’s enough… for today. Tomorrow will come sooner than you can imagine. In his name, we pray!

  21. I’m so proud of everything you’re doing! love you girl, and can’t wait for you to come back! (coffee & catching up)🤍

  22. Alyssa, Mr John and I love you and are continually praying for you. Growing in faith is like breathing, in and out, in and out. Sometime big, deep breaths, sometimes shallow ones. You have to exhale. You have to inhale. Our faith grows with each one. Just keep breathing… This recent season may just be one great big exhale from the great big inhale you’ve had since you arrived. Trust Your Fathers heart. When you can’t see His Hand and you don’t know His Plan, trust His heart and keep breathing….with faith in Him. Love, Us.

  23. Alyssa,

    With every doubt you have there are so many people looking at you and seeing the strength that we could only strive for. You’ve got this! You are an amazing Disciple of Christ. Keep leaning on our wonderful God for confidence. I pray that you can see yourself as others see you! Never forget how awesome you are! We’ll see you soon!