
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I used to think of God as this boss over me. Someone that I should fear. But during my time at training camp and time here on the field I’m learning that God isn’t just a God that demands our respect and attention. The God that we serve is a relational God. He just wants me to talk to Him. He doesn’t want me to do all these “grand” things for Him if I don’t have a relationship with Him in the first place. I can’t proclaim His name if I don’t even know Him. God doesn’t want me to know about Him, He wants me to know Him.

What I’ve come to realize is that God quite literally is my father and my best friend all in one. I can go to Him for anything and everything. He wants to hear from me.  He wants to be there for me in every season of my life. He doesn’t care about what I talk to Him about He just wants me to communicate with Him. I can go to Him for the little things just as much for the big things.

Something that I used to struggle with is that I would only go to God if I needed something from Him. Like if I was going through a rough time or if my family was going through something. Those were the only times that I would go to Him. But as my relationship with the Lord has grown stronger over the years I have been just wanting to talk to Him about everything. I want to talk to Him about the things that are amazing in my life and I want to give Him praise. I also go to Him when I’m struggling and I need comfort. I just want to always be in communication with Him and I want to talk to Him about everything. He already knows what troubles me and what I’m going through. But the thing is He WANTS to hear from me. He wants a relationship with me.

I mean the fact that the God of the universe wants to talk to me absolutely blows my mind. I mean my existence is so small and insignificant that it’s just crazy to think that God even looked my way. He took the time to show His love to me and to have a relationship with me. He wants me to do life with Him as His daughter.

And here’s something I heard this week:

Satan knows our name but calls us by our sin. God knows our sin but calls us by our name.
Just thought I’d share that! 🙂

22 responses to “Who is God to me?”

  1. I’m so in awe of how God is working on you and thru you. Just reading your blogs and hearing from you makes me so proud of you. Love you! Keep pressing on!

  2. I’m praying for you always. Your words from your heart about our Father is so encouraging. Blessings to you as you serve.
    Love you.

  3. Such a beautiful and selfless individual to take this leap of faith and submit to the calling of God in such a young life. God can and will use you in such a great way for him. Praying for you as you grow in the lord while experiencing what missions really is.

  4. Wow! already seeing you grow with your walk in the Lord is so amazing! And you have only been gone for a month! So excited to see everything that the Lord is going to do in your life! miss you tons!

  5. Praising God with you and for you. So excited to see God use you and you’r willingness to serve. Love you , and we are Praying

  6. So proud of you for everything you are doing and learning! I’m so thankful that he calls us by our name and not our sin. God is so good! Great words, Alyssa!

  7. To truly realize that our Heavenly Father wants a personal relationship with me ! It is out of this world.
    I love watching and reading how your relationship with our God has grown ! You are becoming even more of a Godly young woman . Looking forward to him using you more and more for his purpose ! Beyond proud of your love and giving to others
    We love you so very much ! ❤️

  8. So proud of you Alyssa, you are the kind of young lady I wish we had more of. You amaze me with your blog, and the work you are doing. God bless you and keep you safe! Love you

  9. It is amazing to begin to think that God is more interested in who we are than what we do. I’m enjoying the blogs. Looks like you are having a great time as you explore, learn, and serve. Love you!!

  10. What an inspiration you are! The look on your face says it all! You glow with a light that can only come from a beautiful heart filled with God’s love! The smiles and eyes of the children melts my heart! Prayers for you, your team and those precious little ones!

  11. So proud of the difference you are making in so many lives while enriching your spiritual life as well. God bless you and your team!

  12. I’m loving the blogs and seeing how much you’ve grown in your faith! Keep them coming! Love you!

  13. Let’s goooooo!!! I’m so excited for you, and getting to watch your journey is a privilege. Thanks for sharing a piece of your heart. You’re killing it!

  14. Alyssa! I’m just so proud of you and Love that you have a huge heart after God! Keep shining your light for Jesus! Love so much reading your blog. Love you so much!!